Lanolin Oil for Wool

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Used in tandem with our Wool Shampoo, lanolin oil will keep your covers soft, waterproof, and antibacterial

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Lanolin is a rich natural conditioner that comes from sheep. Lanolize once a month to restore the natural softness, waterproofing and natural antibacterial properties to your wool covers and thus extending the life of your cover. To clean your wool items, use Wool Shampoo.

Size: 8oz


Begin with dry, clean wool. If lanolizing items with snaps, be sure to unsnap.

Draw a pan/bucket/sink of lukewarm water. Hot water will felt and shrink wool.

Take a separate cup of very hot water and add a pea size drop of lanolin per 2-3 items. Stir to dissolve (dissolving well is very important to avoid sticky spots on the wool).

Once well dissolved, add to lukewarm water and mix well. Add your wool items, soaking it through with the lukewarm, lanolin-rich bath. Let sit for a minimum of 3 hours to overnight.

When it is time to dry, avoid wringing or squeezing the fabric. This can cause it to become misshapen. Lay each item in a clean, dry towel and roll to remove excess water. Lay flat to dry and you are ready to go!

Your wool can be air dried for weeks unless soiled, and used over and over before needing to washed. Lanolize once a month or so.

Why we like it

Liquid Lanolin Oil makes re-lanolinizing your covers a cinch. We highly recommend using a liquid lanolin product such as this one (as opposed to a thicker cream like lansinoh) for waterproofing your covers. It dissolves very easily in warm water and distributes evenly over the entire wool cover.